sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2024

Keep on training

 1 - Try some of the 'tools' in this link:

3 - Start a course now:

Hope you the best!
Hope you have a long life... full of happiness.

“There isn't time, so brief is life, for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that.”

“Não há tempo, tão curta é a vida, para discussões banais, desculpas, amarguras, tirar satisfações. Só há tempo para amar, e mesmo para isso, é só um instante.” 

Mark Twain

If you don't find as happiness as you would like... 'don't worry!'... 'Cause every little thing, gonna be all right'


Don't worry, about a thing

'Cause every little thing, gonna be all right

Singin', don't worry, about a thing

'Cause every little thing, gonna be all right

Rise up this mornin' (I woke up this morning)

Smile with the risin' sun (on my horizon)

Three little birds

Pitched by my doorstep (were on my doorstep)

Singin' sweet songs

Of melodies pure and true

Sayin' (They said), "This is my message to you, whoo-hoo"

sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2024

Job intereview - final questions


1 - How are things going?

2 - Tell me about yourself

3 - Where were you born?

4 – Why do you want to join us?

5 – What can you do as teaching assistant?

6 – Where do you see yourself in five years?

7 – Why did you leave your last job?

8 - How long were you in your last job?

9 - Where did you go to school?

10 - Why did you leave school?

11 – Where did you take your course?

12– When did you finish your course?

13– What are your strengths?

14 – What are your weaknesses?

15– Tell me about yourself.





quinta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2024

Talking about the future

Future with 'will'


Will - Future Tense
Will - Negative
Will - Questions

Future with 'going to' 

I am going toI am not going to
You are going toYou are not going to
He is going toHe is not going to
She is going toShe is not going to
It is going toIt is not going to
We are going toWe are not going to
You are going toYou are not going to
They are going toThey are not going to

AffirmativeYouaregoing towin the race.
QuestionAreyougoing towin the race?

Going To - Future Tense
Going To - Negative
Going To - Questions

Will or going to?

segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2024

Talking about the past - Negative and interrogative


We use did to make questions with the past simple:

Did she play tennis when she was younger?
Did you live abroad?
When did you meet your wife?
Where did you go for your holidays?
But questions with who often don't use did:
Who discovered penicillin?
Who wrote Don Quixote?
We use didn't (did not) to make negatives with the past simple:

They didn't go to Spain this year.
We didn't get home until very late last night.
didn't see you yesterday.


Talking about the Past - the verb to be

Job interview from present to past

 Exercise 1 -Watch, listen, read and answer the questions
Exercise 2 - Identify the verbs in the present and change them to the past rewriting the text

They just finished law school. They are looking for new jobs. They see an ad for a job opening at Torre & Associates. But they know it won't be easy.

Tom and his friends go to the office on the day of the interview. The hall is full of potential job candidates waiting to be interviewed.

Tom and his friends realized their chances of getting a job are pretty slim. So, they come up with an awesome plan.

The interviewer steps out of the office and calls for Mr. Goodman. Goodman is Bill's last name. So, he steps into the office. The interviewer looks at his resumé and asks, "What makes you think you qualify for this job?"

Bill pretends he is being harmed. He screams and makes a lot of noise. Joe pretends to be afraid. He stands up and walks out. The other interviewees start to leave too. They are scared out of their wits.

Bill continues to make a lot of noise. He slams himself against the wall. More interviewees start to leave. Meanwhile, Bill opens the door and hurls himself across the hall.

Everyone else leaves too...except for Tom. The interviewer looks at him dumbfounded and says, 'next'. Tom just smiles and waves.

This is the original video

Keep on training

  1 - Try some of the 'tools' in this link: 2 - Take a test on EF TEST 3 - Star...