segunda-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2023

What does a teaching assistant do?

Watch the video, read the text and prepare a presentation with pictures that ilustrate the activities of a teaching assistant. (10 sentences)

The Teaching Assistant or Educational Assistant or Auxiliary Technician has the skills to care for children, including children with specific educational needs. Their activities are:

  • Execute and / or assist the planning of pedagogical and playful activities in the different contexts in which it operates, taking into account the educational needs and the age of the children in its care;

  • Take care of children at home, daycare centers, kindergartens, babysitting services, Free Time Activities (ATL) and similar establishments;

  • Caring for children with specific educational needs, collaborating in the programming, development and monitoring of their daily and leisure activities;

  • Identify and apply conditions of hygiene, safety and organization of the place where the children are, as well as the toys and other materials used;

  • Report to guardians and / or the Kindergarten Educator about any health or other problems related to the child’s daily routines.

The role of Auxiliary Technician is essential in integrating children into the pedagogical routine. A space intertwined between moments of play and instruction, where daily activities and free time are planned, ensuring the safety and well-being of children. 

The Auxiliary technician needs to have knowledge in the field of child development phases, hygiene and safety standards and basic rules of nutrition, as well as in the elaboration and realization of educational and animation activities.

Children are the future!

Most of the times these professionals are called educational assistants or teacher assistants!

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